It’s here folks: ACL Festival, the thing we wait for the minute SXSW closes. Day 1 was lovely, and the rest of the weekend seems to be shaping up to be one of the best weather weekends we have had. I started the morning at Threadgills for the KGSR series, hoping to catch Local Natives and Britt Daniel before entering Zilker. Local Natives was a no-show and Britt only played one song (but that song was good).

Oh well, then on to the important business of the day, securing basecamp. We got a nice spot for our group, then on to the traditional first Chicken Cone from Hudson’s Mighty Cone.

I saw Charlie Mars, Ponderosa, Verve Pipe (who play for kids these days), Black Keys (who were great, but I failed to bring my camera to their stage), and Spoon, caught a bit of the Strokes from afar and listened to Vampire Weekend from basecamp. A great first day. Enjoy some of the sights and sounds.

On to Day 2. More from the park on my Twitter, when the wireless is actually up.

Quinn models the latest in Basecamp fashion. All the cool kids are wearing them. Including her brother who refused to be photographed.

Charlie Mars

The Verve Pipe on Austin Kiddie Limits Stage



ACL Festival, Day1, Oct. 8, 2010